¡CAPICÚ! DÉJALOS COMER BIZCOCHO Proyecto interdisciplinario y multimedia por Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez & Shey Rivera Ríos

¡CAPICÚ! LET THEM EAT CAKE Interdisciplinary and multimedia project by Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez & Shey Rivera Ríos

Exposé RISD Gallery Providence RI & Distillery Gallery Boston MA 2016


¡CAPICÚ! QUE COMAN BIZCOCHO es un proyecto colaborativo y diaspórico que interpreta la crisis política y económica de Puerto Rico y su historia como colonia de los Estados Unidos. Este proyecto pretende arrojar luz sobre el proyecto de ley PROMESA aprobado en junio de 2016, que establece una Junta de Supervisión Fiscal que puede anular al gobierno de Puerto Rico. Esta junta tiene la autoridad para privatizar instituciones públicas, cambiar leyes laborales y actuar sobre otros asuntos que sean vistos como violaciones a los derechos humanos por parte de la población puertorriqueña. La existencia de esta Junta de Supervisión Fiscal revierte a Puerto Rico de un territorio con régimen autónomo (Estado Libre Asociado), a una colonia supervisada directamente por una junta de individuos designados por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Este es un lugar donde residen 3 millones de ciudadanos estadounidenses, que no pueden votar en las elecciones presidenciales y ahora no pueden participar en el proceso de toma de decisiones que pretende reestructurar la deuda de 72 mil millones de dólares que se creó en los años 80 por una legislación cuestionable que desreguló las prácticas comerciales y otorgó exenciones fiscales extraordinarias a las empresas estadounidenses.

¡CAPICÚ! LET THEM EAT CAKE is a collaborative and diasporic project that interprets the political and economic crisis in Puerto Rico and its history as a colony of the United States.This project intends to shed light light upon the PROMESA bill that was passed in June 2016, which established a Fiscal Oversight Board that can override Puerto Rico’s government. This board has the authority to privatize public institutions, change labor laws, and act upon other matters that are seen as human rights violations by the Puerto Rican population. The existence of this Fiscal Oversight Board reverts Puerto Rico from a territory with autonomous rule (commonwealth), to a colony directly overseen by a board of individuals appointed by the U.S. Government. This is a place where 3 million U.S. citizens reside, who cannot vote on the Presidential elections and now cannot participate in the decision-making process that intends to restructure the 72 billion dollar debt that was created in the 80s by questionable legislation that deregulated business practices and gave extraordinary tax exemptions to U.S. businesses.

Big Red & Shiny

Origin of terms:
“LET THEM EAT CAKE”: The original French is ‘Qu’ils mangent de la brioche’, that is, ‘Let them eat brioche’ (brioche is a form of cake made of flour, butter and eggs). The usual interpretation of the phrase is that Marie-Antoinette understood little about the plight of the poor and cared even less.

“Capicú” – When the winning domino can not play on either open end of the layout. Doesn’t apply when the winning domino is a double.

The denial of Puerto Rico’s right to self determination, and it’s continued treatment as a colony by the United States IS VIOLENCE.

The denial of Puerto Ricans’ right to fair labor practices IS VIOLENCE.

The denial of Puerto Ricans’ right to unionize IS VIOLENCE.

The denial of Puerto Ricans’ right to quality housing, education, and healthcare IS VIOLENCE.