• Alive! Arts presents RANIA MATAR 02.05.2025

    Alive! Arts presents RANIA MATAR 02.05.2025

    Alive! Arts presents RANIA MATAR From the Personal to the Universal February 5, 2025 at 6:00 pm at ARCH-132, the PF Pray Foundation Lecture Theater, Cummings School of Architecture at Roger Williams University, Bristol Rhode Island.
    Free and open to all!

  • Exhibition & Artist Lecture at UMASS BOSTON

    Exhibition & Artist Lecture at UMASS BOSTON

    “(Re)Visiting” On view: January 27 – April 05, 2025
    Celebrating the Department of Art & Art History Visiting Artist Lecture Series.

    The exhibition is organized by Gallery Director Sam Toabe, with the support of student Gallery Assistants Helina Almonte, Rafaela Astudillo, Erika Perez, and Isabella Slonka.

    Artists include:
    Rachel Beach, Bethany Campbell, Tory Fair, Colin Hunt, Lucy Kim, Joiri Minaya, Todd Pavlisko, Zoe Pettijohn Schade, Enrico Riley, Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez

    Image: Auto-Galáctica 2013 © Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez
    27”x20” Chromogenic print enlargement of 4x5” Polaroid Type 59


    Papel Machete presents a radical imaginary sci-fi story set in 2047 about survival, struggle and the people's liberation movement that made abolition possible.
    OCT 31 — NOV 03, 2024
    Emerson Paramount Center, Robert J. Orchard Stage
    559 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111

    En exhibición: 03 - 31 de agosto del 2024
    On View: August 03 - 31, 2024
    Aborn Gallery AS220 115 Empire Street Providence RI 02909

    Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez, Asma Kazmi & Katherine Toukhy
    08 de agosto del 2024, 6 - 7:30 pm

  • FREE DOWNLOAD Arte Popular Ahora es una exhibición pública que presenta una selección de carteles de los archivos de descarga gratuita de AgitArte y Justseeds. Ambos grupos han abordado temas de justicia social a través de su arte y trabajo cultural durante más de 25 años.
    Apertura: 03 de agosto, 5 -7 pm
    En Exhibición: 03 - 31 de agosto del 2024
    AS220 115 Calle Empire Providence RI 02909

    FREE DOWNLOAD Arte Popular Ahora, is a public exhibition featuring artwork from the free download archives of AgitArte and Justseeds. Both groups have fearlessly addressed social justice issues through their art and cultural work for the past 25+ years.
    Opening: August 03, 2024 5 -7 pm
    On View: August 03 - 31, 2024
    AS220 115 Empire Street Providence RI 02909

    Artistas / Artists: Andrea Narno, Dey Hernández Vázquez, Erik Ruin, Estefanía Rivera Cortés, Javier Maldonado O’Farrill, Jess X Snow, Jorge Díaz Ortiz, José ‘Primo’ Hernández, Josh MacPhee, Kill Joy, Melanie Cervantes, Meredith Stern, Monica Trinidad, Osvaldo Budet, Sanya Hyland, Sarah Farahat, Sugeily Rodríguez, and Tina Orlandini.

    Arte/Art: Alto a la violencia contra las mujeres 2009 Sanya Hyland

  • FREE DOWNLOAD Roundtable

    FREE DOWNLOAD Roundtable

    FREE DOWNLOAD Roundtable
    Wednesday, July 24 / 3-4:30 pm
    Metcalf Auditorium RISD Museum Providence RI
    FREE DOWNLOAD Roundtable will bring together members of AgitArte and Justseeds for a lively discussion on collaborative socially engaged poster-making today. Artist and AgitArte board member Javier Maldonado-O'Farrill, AgitArte’s Visual Art Director José Hernández Díaz (RISD BFA Illustration), and members of Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, Erik Ruin, Josh MacPhee, Meredith Stern and Sanya Hyland, will discuss the historic and powerful impact that posters have had across the world in supporting civic engagement, empowerment, and bridging movements. Both organizations have been active for over twenty five years and this roundtable marks the first public conversation between members of both groups.

    This roundtable is presented in conjunction with the exhibition FREE DOWNLOAD Arte Popular Ahora on view at the Empire Street Window Gallery AS220 August 2024.

    Free. Registration for this in-person program is requested.

    NO COMEMOS AUSTERIDAD CENTROS DE APOYO MUTUO by / por José ‘Primo’ Hernández, Agitarte | Papel Machete

  • The Art of Self-Care Physical Well-being for Artists and Makers
    Thursday, July 18, 2024 / 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
    RISD Museum Providence, RI
    Free. Registration requested for this in-person program.

  • How Easily We Are Undone Artist Talk w/ Jennifer McClure
    2 - 4 PM Saturday January 27, 2024 Leica Gallery Boston

  • VISIÓN DOBLE on view at the Hunter East Harlem Gallery, New York, NY

    VISIÓN DOBLE on view at the Hunter East Harlem Gallery, New York, NY

    en exhibición en IDA Y VUELTA, curada por Dra. Laura Bravo López.
    30 de marzo - 16 de diciembre del 2023.

    is on view at IDA Y VUELTA, curated by Dr. Laura Bravo López.
    March 30 - December 16, 2023.

    Hunter East Harlem Gallery New York, NY

  • CONSTRUCTED PRISMS| Warwick Center for the Arts

    CONSTRUCTED PRISMS| Warwick Center for the Arts

    Sculpture . Photography . Installation Exhibition
    Juried by Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez and Howie Sneider
    On view in the WCFA Gallery from July 20th through August 19th
    Opening reception and jurors talk on Thursday, July 20th from 6-7:30pm
    Warwick Center for the Arts Rhode Island

  • Artists in Conversation | RISD MUSUEM

    Artists in Conversation | RISD MUSUEM

    Artists in Conversation Self-Representation
    Thursday, June 8th, 2023 / 5-6:30 pm Free. RSVP
    Artists and designers at any career stage are welcome to join in-person for informal discussions with fellow artists about works on view in the galleries. Get to know other local makers in a supportive environment. Led by artist-facilitator Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez, the session will focus on themes of representation and self-portraiture, inspired by works on-view in The Performative Self-Portrait.

    image credit:Carolee Schneemann,Eye/Body #5,1963/1973

  • IDA Y VUELTA: Experiencias de la migración en el arte puertorriqueño contemporáneo

    IDA Y VUELTA: Experiencias de la migración en el arte puertorriqueño contemporáneo

    VISIÓN DOBLE is on view at Taller Puertorriqueño, Philadelphia PA!

    IDA Y VUELTA Experiencias de la migración en el arte puertorriqueño contemporáneo October 14, 2022 - March 4, 2023

    "Taller Puertorriqueño is pleased to present Ida y Vuelta: Experiencias de la migración en el arte puertorriqueño contemporáneo, a sweeping show featuring 19 Puerto Rican artists whose works respond to the experience of many Puerto Ricans living abroad. Migration has been a determining issue in Puerto Rico´s recent history, especially since 2012, due to significant crises and natural disasters.

    Curated by Dr. Laura Bravo, the exhibition first opened in February 2017 at the History, Anthropology and Art Museum, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. The show suffered a temporary closure after the strike of Hurricane Maria in September 2017, reopening in December that year and inspiring timely conversations about the humanitarian consequences of this tragic event. September 20, 2022, marks five years since Maria’s landfall in Puerto Rico."

    Exhibiting Artists: Abdiel Segarra Ríos, Adál Maldonado, Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez, Anaida Hernández, Antonio Martorell, Brenda Cruz, Carlos Ruiz Valarino, Edra Soto, John Betancourt, José Ortiz Pagán, Máximo Colón, Marta Mabel Pérez, Mónica Félix, Nayda Collazo Llorens, Norma Vila Rivero, Osvaldo Budet Meléndez, Pedro Vélez, Quintín Rivera Toro, Víctor Vázquez .

  • CACEROLAZO Y MANGÓ is a two person exhibition by interdisciplinary artists Beatriz McConnie Zapater and Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez at Fenway Gallery 🖤⚔️ Join us at our Closing Reception on October 10th 12-5pm - Monday, Indigenous Peoples Day, in conjunction with the Fenway Alliance Opening Our Doors. CACEROLAZO Y MANGÓ is on view August 12 through October 10, 2022, with gallery hours by appointment.
    CACEROLAZO Y MANGÓ es una exposición bipersonal de las artistas interdisciplinarias Beatriz McConnie Zapater y Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez en Fenway Gallery 🖤⚔️ Únase a nosotros en nuestra recepción de clausura el 10 de octubre de 12-5pm - lunes, Día de los Pueblos Indígenas, en conjunto con Fenway Alliance Abriendo Nuestras Puertas. CACEROLAZO Y MANGÓ se exhibe del 12 de agosto al 10 de octubre de 2022, con horario de galería con cita previa.

    FENWAY GALLERY 30 Ipswich Street Boston, MA 02215 | fenwaygallery.org

  • Interview: "Amor Y Anarquía" w/ Kate McNamara | Dirt Palace

  • PORTFOLIO POWER The Artist Portfolio with Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez
    Assets for Artists MASS MoCA Spring 2022 Online Artist Workshops
    Wednesday, April 6, 2022 | 2-4 p.m.
    Our portfolios represent our vision and most compelling work. The quality and effectiveness of a professional portfolio is crucial, whether you are seeking an art related job, applying for a grant, trying to get a show at a gallery or seeking gallery representation. Free and open to Massachusetts artists. Sign up here.

  • Recent Articles
    An Exploratory Career : Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez
    An Artist and Curator Whose Work Dissects Self-portraiture and Challenges Academia Boston Hassle April 2021 Artist Spotlight By Frankie Symonds April 16, 2021

    LENSCRATCH Focus on Self-portraiture: Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez By Jennifer McClure October 23, 2020